On the north side of the house, I planted 18 Carolina Cherry Laurel seedlings last fall. Surprisingly, in little sun and frozen ground, they've all survived, I think. I spaced them 18" apart, knowing that was too close at the time. I'll need to remove every other one soon and replant them elsewhere in the yard. As an evergreen, they'll work nicely around the borders of the backyard eventually reaching the height of small trees if I let them. Instead, I'll pinch and snip and force them to branch out into shorter, stockier plants.

A few feet away, I planted cuttings that were rooted from Carrie's Elaeagnus. They're in the Neighbor's corner. The plants I took cuttings from were easily 12' tall and possibly just as wide. They were huge. They're too large for the space I have them in for sure. They'll also be moved to the edges of the backyard, possibly in front of the dead oak tree as suggested by Tim from Atlanta.

The silvery foliage should play nicely with the vitex I recently installed. That particular plant has now been moved to three different locations since I purchased it last spring. It now has a full sun site and should bloom profusely for years.

Also in the Corner, I have another Leyland Cypress that will find a home around the edges of the backyard. It was originally installed in an attempt to block the view of a bomb shelter and garage that belongs to my peering neighbor, Cat. She was best friends with the woman that gardened here for 40 years. She's got mixed feelings over what I've done to the yard so far.

There's a pyracantha near the upper meadow that needs a new home too.

I've already moved two of these from shady spots along the top edge of the gully. I will probably transplant it soon into the same area near the dead oak tree.

Several rooted gardenias need a new home. I'm currently thinking about the hill along the street between the ancient oak tree and the dying red dogwood. I think a hedge of gardenia would be a nice way to block some street noise while providing for a more private front yard. It's a shady area in summer, with very little direct sun.
Two pampas grasses need to find a permanent home somewhere in the yard. One is currently behind the swing, just in front of the dead oak tree. I'm not crazy about these grasses, but I do love the plumes. Both have been moved multiple times and have never put down enough roots to make transplanting a problem. I was worried they wouldn't survive, but sure enough, there's new growth on both. As they grow very large and continue to spread, I need to give them a lot of room.

Along the end of the driveway, there are three cuttings of Snowball viburnum that survived the winter. I'll have to find new homes for them.

I've already moved the one that was along the edge of the gully, the parent plant for these three cuttings. Again, lots of space will be needed for these large shrubs.

I keep finding myself drawn to shrubs and plants that mature into large specimens. I blame the towering trees in the backyard. Trying to place a miniature shrub into a space that's currently framed by 100' tall oaks is not the easiest thing to do. Many plants will be overwhelmed by the scale of these trees. And yet, I still need space to plant the flowers I'm growing from seed.
One image I keep returning to for inspiration can be found on a blog header from my sidebar. I'm not unrealistic. I know that it will take years to achieve the look I want in my backyard. It's a waiting game. Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.
It's 45 degrees. Rain will be coming again this afternoon, sometimes heavy. On Sunday morning, I'll start moving the plants I listed above.
You already know I visit everyday..I so enjoy learning from you and watching your garden grow...drop by and see if you have tried any of these companion plantings.
For some reason, the poll isn't working for me, but I visit every other day or so. I'd be lost without your blog as it's extremely inspirational and educational.
My nephew calls that 'Ellie and Agnes' and sometimes worse, as he prunes his mother-law's hedge.
It's raining here.
I stop by for a bit of inspriation and watch the garden mature. I collect people from all over the country to keep track of what is happening in the different parts of this land.
Thanks for stopping by, I knew you would know about companion planting..
I will have to look at that blog. It's hard not to feel very impatient with a new garden. I know I did!
Tom, if you really want data on who's reading your blog, attach "Google Analytics" to it. It's free, Blogger is also a Google product. You'll see daily counts of new and returning readers, maps of where in the world they are registered, and enough data to make your head spin! I find it a bit addicting, personally!
Am jealous that you can be out gardening. We went from being under snow to being under water. It will be weeks before the soil is workable. Alas.
TOM: I read your blog daily. Don't comment to much but like your blog and learn a lot from it. Have not been posting much on my blog, too many other activities taking up my time. Hoping for more available time to post soon. Like you I wonder who is reading my blog and as time goes on I am finding a lot more readers than I thought I had.
Enjoy your evening,
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