April 1, 2008: The perennial bed.
It's come a long way since then.
It's 37 degrees and clear according the weather.com. I'll find out soon enough. Inventory at the store begins today. We get to count all the plants. ALL the plants. After a mindnumbing day of that, I'll come home and work on the project some more. Everything was laser cut yesterday and I started assembling the guest house and master bedroom wing. Tonight I'll work on the main house and hopefully the screen porch. I need to have all this done before bed.
More rain in the forecast this week. It should help the periwinkle I planted this weekend. Speaking of that, here's a picture of the side slope from last April 1, two months after I had planted the plugs.
The same area last week.
Tom, if you have moles, they will eat the tulip bulbs, sometimes even before they bloom the first year!
I finally gave up on them. Some are more perennial than others. White Flower Farm sells a mix of perennials that lasts a few years (if the varmints don't get them!). You might check them out, at lease for the names of the varieties.
Amazing what the vinca has done. I have it too.
Some people have posted that they don't like vinca because it's invasive; I still like it and plan on putting some in either this year or next.
I've had so much trouble with tulips- they just don't seem to come back. I prefer daffodils, and if I wasn't allergic to them I'd plant hyacinths.
As far as inventory, I think I'd rather count plants than containers of chemicals, statuary, pool supplies, and plastic pots that I had to count at my last job!
It is great to look back at pictures and see how far you have come. I am sure (like me) at that time you thought you would never get it to this point...and now look at it! Just think what you will have one year from today.
I can't wait to see what I have 3 months from now. Just the changes over the past two months are incredible. I couldn't have done it without wintersowing and learning propagation techniques.
Inventory for me is done at the store. 5 hours of counting plants with two helpers. It went faster than I expected.
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