The "orange" hybrid tea rose.
Lemon mint mondara is just starting to bloom. Wintersown, this plant has grown to nearly 4' tall.
Another variety of poppy is starting to crack. I hope it's open by tomorrow morning.
My first real zinnia. Kinda small, isn't it?
And more rain in the forecast through Friday night.
Yesterday I took cuttings from a rose bush in the backyard of a neighbor.
If it reblooms, it's most likely New Dawn. I hope it reblooms this summer. I've never noticed it before, but I don't go gallivanting through this backyard often.
I've also got pineapple sage blooming, Rudbeckia and shastas that are trying, and a huge bud on a direct sown datura.
Back to work.
What a beautiful rose! I hope it roots for you.
We just had an early afternoon thunderstorm pass over. I hope it doesn't rain again until I get home. I'm at work and it's been very quiet here, as it always is during the summer.
I have a feeling our drought is over and everything looks great all over. Trees, shrubbery, bloomers, all have filled out and greened up, it looks and feels great.
I can't wait to see that poppy of yours.
Tom- it looks like your garden really likes all the rain surrounding the ark!
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