Then I did the small piece next to the ugly basement door. I'm done for today with two pieces cut and installed below the cabinets next to the stove. One more piece on the other side will be done tomorrow.

The molding is MDF. Everything will be painted gloss ultra white to match the cabinets. There will be some light sanding and putty to fill a few unavoidable cracks.

It's starting to tie the kitchen together as a whole.

Tomorrow, I'll work on the window sill that I need to replace and the beadboard below it.

There's an electrical outlet that's causing problems between the window and fridge. The outlet won't fit because of the conduit adapter.

There's also the matter of what to do next to the bohemoth cabinet. The door won't open if I install the 3/4" molding. I'm still trying to decide on a fix for this. It may involve some trickery to fool the eye.

I've also got to decide on a backsplash behind the stove. I may use laminate if I have enough. I'd like to use something else, but Carla hasn't delivered yet. Until I find a cheap microwave, I'm thinking of installing a self venting hood. I rarely use the current microwave. I may put it in a cabinet. I hate counter top clutter.

It's 81 degrees and sunny. The humidity hasn't dropped much today. Maybe that cold front will come in tonight. A customer from the store dropped by for a visit today. For two hours she ooh'd and ahh'd over the yard. I apologized for the state of the perennial bed and explained it was much nicer in June. I gave her seeds. She was late for an appointment with the IRS by the time she left. She said I'm the only gardener she's met here. Her word, not mine.
I really am enjoying seeing the transformation of your home. The kitchen is my favorite room in a house and I am already loving what you are doing to yours. I love beadboard and can't wait to see how your kitchen looks all finished. You are doing a great job.
It's always nice to hear compliments about our gardens, our homes, our hobbies, etc. I'm sure that lady left your gardens feeling wonderful. She probably floated to the IRS office with thoughts, scents and visions of flowers from your gardens dancing in her mind.
Have a nice evening and great day tomorrow.
Thanks FlowerLady. I hope her meeting went well. I can't wait to be done with the house. This is the last major room to finish. The hallway needs paint, new interior doors, a new exterior kitchen door...but those are small jobs. Oh, I almost forgot refinishing all the hardwoods. I may hire someone for that and take a nice vacation while they do it. :)
It is looking so great. The cupboard door problem might be fixed by removing the drywall altogether on that strip, but the molding doesn't go all the way to the ceiling. If you do take away the dry wall then one would notice that the wall thickness in the opening would be one half inch less. Oh yes, that top trim board would shut you down too. That is a tough one.I know I don't have the answer but I thought that might give you something to digest so you can figure it out. Your are doing such a nice job on this.
Thanks LD. I know what I should have done. I should have added a 1" spacer between the wall and the cabinet. I even told Robert I needed to do that and it slipped my mind when I was installing. SO...I may just paint that portion white and ignore the beadboard and molding.
I like the beadboard. You've given me some ideas for when I need to begin working on my kitchen. I notice a dog dish in the background of one of your photos. Are you a dog owner?
Not a dog owner. That's the cat's bowl. She will only eat and drink from stainless steel. She's a proper lady.
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