The branches of the tree have been reduced to massive logs short enough to fit in the fireplace.

It's just that they're 20 inches in diameter.

The largest piece we cut is 36 inches across and required two passes with a 26" chain saw.

My tiny hands, in perspective at least.

There's a lot more "smaller" wood still to be cut. We were tired. It was beginning to rain. We left this for another day.

My dad brought his old gasoline powered wood splitter. It was brought back to him, finally, after the man that borrowed it passed away. They brought it back because it didn't work. I wish my dad would check these things BEFORE hauling it all the way here from his house. In any case, I'm heading back out once I sharpen the ax to split what I can in the next 30 minutes. I'll stack it in the basement using the wheelbarrow for transportation. Oh how I wish I had a bobcat.
4:29pm - I'm not as strong as I wish. I took cuttings from the yellow/orange and pink brugs. I don't know if we'll get frost, or if they'll die over the winter, but I cannot stand it. I brought some branches in that had nearly formed flowers. I've been told they'll open if kept in water. I wonder if they'll root?

How it was...

And now.

I am always amazed at the huge plants that come from those funky brugmansia "sticks"! Since I grew up in New England, I was certain my Southern gardening friend was kidding when she handed me a brug cutting a few years ago. Now I'm hooked on them !
A friend of mine used to talk about them all the time. I never cared until I got to smell one. That's what hooked me.
Wood chopping is a heck of a lot of work. My DH cuts and splits our firewood for the winter and I have been known to split some as well. I think I would make a lousy pioneer.
I hope that brug branch blooms for you. I can't imagine how heavenly that will smell in your house when it does. :-)
Termites! That is all I can see (think of), with all that wood. I hope it is a cold winter for you so you can use it all.
LeSan, one of the blooms is already opening. :)
Jim, there's a brick wall and concrete floors in the basement. Aside from storing a couple day's wood in there, I'll be leaving most of it outside to "season".
The brugs will root in water. They root better in peat/perlite. They are very easy to root.
If you can find it, a plant cover called 'Cloud Cover' is great for covering things like Brugmansia this time of year. It will make a 12 degree difference, and your tree could have finished the bloom. They carry it at Lowes here, but many of the nurseries carry it. I think it runs about $11.00 each.
Janie, our Lowe's only carries a basic frost cloth by some other name. It's okay. I'm ready for the frost to kill what will die down. I'm ready to start planning next year's gardens.
I lost a large, old silver maple and it took me a couple years to get it totally gone. Working with wood is very hard work. That is too bad about the tractor tire, I thought they were tougher than that. It was nice to get some help.
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