In any case, I was told to mark the fruit trees half price. I didn't really need a 20' wide Morris plum tree, but I have one now. I planted it this morning beyond the lower potager. I filled the very large hole (which, for some reason, was very easy to dig this morning) with cow manure compost and created a small berm to retain water. This area is very dry in summer, but I'm hoping the leaf cover from this fall will start adding new organic material to the soil. In February, I'm intending to sow seeds of creeping thyme back here.

Also part of the orchard, which runs from the upper potager, along the wild, all the way to the gully, there's a sad little Montmorency cherry that I planted this spring. It's a dwarf variety and spent most of the summer struggling as I wasn't able to get back there and water while on crutches. The twigs are still green when snapped, so I hope it comes back in the spring. If not, I probably don't have room for it anyway.

There's also the spring planted Belle of Georgia peach. It has white fruit.

Then the Apache blackberry.

Two blueberry bushes.

The first of three figs. I think the others may get planted in the area under the dead oak tree.

And the Thundercloud Plum. This variety may or may not produce plums, but I'm hoping that it will give me some color and variety in the backyard. It will be transplanted this fall as soon as it starts to lose its leaves in earnest.

I found enough stone in the woods to finish edging the crape myrtle bed.

I have two beds left that need stone. The largest is the shrub border in the very middle of the back yard. Above that, the rose garden needs some attending to as well. Along the front side, I planted strawberries.

I'm not sure where to put my three seedless grapevines that are currently struggling for sunlight along the back edge of the upper potager. The soil back there is hard packed clay full of roots. Maybe I'll stick a couple 4x4s into the middle of the meadow and let them have at it. I'll really need to amend the soil a lot better than I did when I first planted them. Poor things have been moved three times since I got them last year off the clearance rack. They were the first fruits I bought. Oh, what a mistake that might have been.
It's 57 and overcast. Heading to Morrow Mountain today to take a look at some leaves. Apparently, they have them there too. No rain in the forecast today, but the clouds and my right leg say otherwise. Going to shred a few more leaves before Laura arrives. They'll get dumped into the crape myrtle bed, hopefully finishing that area for the week. I'll move on to the potager beds next week forking in the leaves I collect from Larry's yard.
Do you ever slow down? Everything is so nice around your gardens. We have grapefruit, tangerine, cumquat, apple, peach, pear, nectarine and blueberries in our yard.
Looks great! Montmorency cherries are very prone to cherry leaf spot which makes it drop it's leaves. Keep an eye out for it in the spring. It kills in about two or three years if left unchecked.
Wish I had an orchard!
The orchard is going to look great. Fruit trees add such a nice flavor of style to a garden that blends and enhances the area. The large plum will be amazing. It may just grow slower with less light, which will help keep in containment.
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