Before work yesterday, I scattered Flanders poppy seeds, blue larkspur, more echinacea, and several other varieties I've now forgotten. I'm hoping we don't tear things up too bad this weekend as we work on the dead oak tree out back. I'm ready to no longer see that monster laying there.
7:42pm - 1/4" of rain today. The high temperature got into the mid 60s and started dropping shortly after lunch. It's 55 degrees and drizzling. Dinner tonight, beef stew over rice with lots of potatoes, carrots, and corn. I make it much like momma does, but with some thickening to make it stick.
Dinner music:
and others.
When I was young, I would just work around the weather, but now when I have projects to do, I also watch it like a hawk...I am cleaning out my basement, and just walking in the drizzle to the truck to throw things away. Good luck on that tree.
It started raining in Durham at around 2pm. So much for staining cedar boards and finishing the porch I'm building. I'll be sowing Buttonbush seeds around our pond to see what happens.
Crap, I feel like I'm in Seattle or something....With lots more on the way! Try listening to some Dream Theater sometime...I bet you'll like it. Try "Hell's Kitchen", it's my favorite song.....
here ya go
Luv me some Nina Simone.
Waiting for rain in SE Georgia bit none yet. I enjoy your site. I find it amazing how music is the tie that binds regardless of race, creed, color, etc. Happy gardening.
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