Yesterday, I spent some time moving things in the perennial bed. I also planted 5 hardy mums and 10 perennial asters. But the big change was on the path. I mentioned before that I wanted to make a circular bed where the birdbath is. I've already moved the knockouts and a couple butterfly bushes. I forget now what else got moved, but the path is done. I still need more stone to finish the path along the gully's edge.

Most of the stone came from the ditchlilies near the mailbox. I killed two more snakes pulling these stones out.

Sunday's picture, before I reworked the bed.

It's hard to see in the photo, but the helianthus is blooming. Carrie gave me these plants.

It's cool and rainy today. I forgot to check the temperature. Light showers should persist most of the day. Tomorrow, I plan to move three leyland cypress from the stone wall on the north side of the house. I'll be planting Carolina cherry laurels along that wall. They grow fast and huge, so I'll be shearing them into a hedge next year. I have 16 from the 18 I raised from seed.
Great work on those paths. I love paths through the garden. How is your leg doing lately?
If you keep up this snake killing activity and we are going to have to come up with a special new name for you. Thomas Destroyer of Snakes or Green Fist of Death for instance.
Just beautiful...I still am amazed at your red salvia...I have seen 5 snakes in the last two weeks!! ARGH
Glad I don't have snakes. Your paths look great, that is a lot of hard work. Flowers are nice too!
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