It's 61 degrees and drizzling. More rain in the forecast for this evening with a better chance tomorrow.
11:19am - It's 64 and mostly cloudy to partly sunny. I potted the brugs that were in water. The little nubs had formed. I've not had a lot of success rooting only in water, so I usually leave them just a week, changing the water several times. Once the nubs form, I pot them in a mix of Timberline top soil and potting mix. The top soil allows for quick drainage, which they need. The potting mix holds moisture without packing down, which they love. It should take 3-4 weeks from this point before they're rooted well enough for me to ship out to those who have been promised cuttings. I've got 23 Ecuador White, 20 NoID yellow/orange, and 2 pink. The pinks will not be given away. I'll wait until next year to send those out.

Whenever I pot a rooted cutting, I water it well with this product. It stimulates root growth and fertilizes. About 3 teaspoons to a gallon is what I use. That makes it nearly half the recommended strength. I've killed cuttings mixing it too strong.

What with the weather being so nice today, I've set up the short plant rack outside the garage door again. With rain and high humidity in the forecast, things shouldn't dry out too quickly. The rooted cuttings I took inside earlier in the week were also brought back out. They include 9 gardenias (the old fashioned, big blossomed plants), 5 pinks from Jim still left to plant, 6 pineapple sage, a couple hens & chicks, a jade plant growing from a single leaf laid on damp potting soil, the pineapple sage seedlings, and a potted purple alternanthera. I have a green and red in another pot that will come in for the winter. They were rooted in the spring and haven't gotten too large this summer. I'll be able to trim those back easily.

We call them timbers here, but it does look like you live in a timber. Your color is coming.
Just beyond those trees, there's a huge back lawn of houses facing the other street. The "wild" as I call it, is only about 50' deep, but with undergrowth and mature trees, it's enough to provide summer privacy. For winter, I'm hoping to get some evergreens in there soon.
Very interesting. Lovely color coming to your yard. I have never seen this root stimulator. I have always used the powder root hormone...mmmmm
Hey, I like those dips. They are less messy for sure. Enjoy your fall!
I am green with envy at all your cuttings and starts. The pinapple sage looks wonderful by the way.
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