These beds are merely stacked landscape timbers. I haven't drilled or hammered the rebar yet. I'm afraid I'll change my mind before spring.

From the kitchen side of the house, the potager looks nice. I may keep it. I picked up several buckets of small rocks, tossed lots more into the woods, and finally did something about that black garbage bag of soil that was laying at the end of the tomato patch most of the summer. I raked everything smooth and filled in the holes where I had dug the stumps. Next spring, I'm going to be rooting a few figs for the area behind the largest bed. I'll also move my fig out of the shrub island here. The butterfly bushes in that bed need more sun, so they'll go on the slope where I planted grasses and asters. The blueberries need to be moved too. I didn't give them enough room and really just wanted to get them in the ground for the winter. The thundercloud plum tree in the perennial bed will be moved in a few weeks as soon as the leaves start to drop. I'll put it in the bed where I had corn and beans this year. There's not enough sun to really grow much there in terms of veggies, so hopefully it will be happy enough. Lots of plans, huh?

While working on the tree yesterday, my mom got a good look at my old workboots. It wasn't long before she suggested we go to Wal-Mart and buy another pair. I give them 3 months before they're in the same shape as my others.

It's currently 51 and cloudy. This morning's sun went away quickly as I got busy working. If the clouds and wind remain through the night, we might be able to stave off an early frost. They're forecasting 36 degrees by 7am tomorrow. Next week, we'll be back in the 70s during the day. Oh please, oh please, oh please don't let it frost yet. My yellow brug is trying really hard to open. Fortunately, it's under the canopy of a large oak tree that still has most of its leaves. I'll cover it tonight with a sheet and hope for the best. I want to see this one bloom at least once this year.
For this afternoon, I plan to rake and shred the leaves collecting in the front yard and driveway. I'll use them to mulch the areas I raked clean this morning.

It's only noon, but it feels like I've done an entire day's work already. Tomorrow, I have to go back to the store. I wish I had another week off.
3:04pm - Rounded up all the leaves and used the blower/vac to shred them. Also picked up enough stone the tractor turned over in the gully to finish the daylily border.

That's a full size bed sheet sewn together to create a sack of sorts. It works great. Thanks again Kris!

I used the last two bags of Cypress mulch on the rose garden. Broken bags, half price, etc.

I spread the chopped leaves on the butterfly slope between the raised beds.

Possible location for the patio. The soil here is like concrete. Nothing but periwinkle and poke weeds grow here. I can't really mow it because of all the small rocks all over the ground. Pick one up, another two take its place. The hammock used to hang between those trees. It's in the basement for winter storage.

All the frost tender plants are in the basement too. I'll wheel them back out in a couple days once the chance of near freezing temperatures has passed. I've decided this year not to have so many indoor things to take care of. The brugs will take up most of my space under lights.

That's it. I'm done for the day.
Every thing is looking really great. You do move things around a lot but with the trees I can see it is a trial and error situation. I like the timber work that you did. It looks great. Good looking shoes too!
You just reminded me that I need to cover my little jap maple trees tonight. I'd hate for them to get killed.
You had me wondering why you were going out to garden in your new shoes. LOL
Things are looking great at your place. I hope it doesn't frost for you yet. I am amazed at the plants that survived the snow and 20s here.
Yes LD, it is all trial and error here. I'm still learning what it means when a plant tag says 20'. LOL.
EG, I've been reading about square foot gardening. I'm gonna try it next year. I need to get about 16 tomato plants in those two raised beds I did today. Going to be getting some manure soon for the compost pile. My soil needs nutrients.
Thanks Sue. I know some things will keep on going. Lots of plants and shaded by overhead trees, but the frost came anyway. We'll see what the damage is later.
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