This morning about 9am. I decided to build the front bed first.

It only took 4 hours.

I still need lots of soil to fill the bed for next year's tomatoes. This is the sunniest spot in the yard. No patio here.

See them rocks? Yep, they came out of the trenches I had to dig for the landscape timbers.

Still no constant sun even though seems to think so.

The white brugs are down.

What am I going to do with 35 cuttings?

Tossed half of them in the compost bin and keep only the 12 largest ones. They'll root easier. They'll stay in the basement under lights in water until root nubs form. Then I'll transfer them to well draining potting soil and pot them individually. This method worked great last winter.

Time for another grilled cheese sandwich and a nap. It's 57 and overcast.
Tomorrow, we will be working on this.

I'm tired just from reading! You have been working so hard.
Nice looking bed, Tom! How big is it? Oh, you'll be able to grow lots of tomatoes in that thing.
Good job on the raised beds. I have the same problem with things in the soil. Whatever owner that was here, he left buried bricks and flagstones everywhere. An older neighbor said he had an irrigation system but I can't make sense of any of it. You must be feeling a little better. Take care.
Good days work for a sick man. LOL
I sure wish I had that felled tree of yours. I know just the spot for it in my garden. I am going to miss seeing it there.
Haha Cameron. I was exhausted when I was done. It was a good nap.
EG, that one is 16' x 4'. I want to build two more 4' x 8'. One may be 12' if I have enough timbers.
LD, you would not believe the things I find in the dirt here. I should expect it from a house built over 60 years ago.
LeSan, you want the tree, come get it. LOL. I can't even reach my arms around the trunk even 20' up from the base. This thing will provide all my firewood this year.
That raised bed looks great, can't wait to see them complete!
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