Sunny Knockout is reblooming after being sheared back a few months ago prior to a move.

Stella D'Oro is also blooming.

The Maples in the wild are very yellow this year.

After work yesterday, I used the leaf blower/vac to shred all the leaves along my side of the street, in the driveway, and the front yard. They became mulch for the Neighbor's corner.

It's 55 degrees and threatening rain. says we have a 75% chance all day and night. I hope it comes. We've been teased too much with cloudy, damp weather and very little rainfall for months. I'd like to see it rain 24 hours nonstop.
This afternoon, after work, I'll stay inside and clean the house. I've got bits of leaves, straw, and dirt all over the place. I've been thinking about returning to the kitchen, but I've just about decided to wait until it's too cold this winter to work outside. I've got paint to scrape, walls to repaint, a little more beadboard to finish, and countertops to install. I still managed to pickle and can 5 pints of green beans (purchased) and 2 pints of cucumbers using a recipe I found online. In three weeks, I'll find out if it's any good.
I love looking at your gardens...I get more inspired to work in the house when the weather is cooler too! Yucky enough outside to have to stay inside today...just cooking a little, doing some laundry and blogging of course..
Tom your yellows are gorgeous. The knockout is a beauty!
We have lots of maple yellow, and very little red this year, too. All your yellows are lovely!
I love the "maples in the wild" picture as well as the "a good morning" picture from a day or so ago. looks like a coffee table book. visual poetry!
Thanks Ya'll. I was dreading this time of year all summer, but the colors have soothed me a bit.
Didn't get much housework done today. I took a long nap instead. Maybe in the morning....
Your fall colors are beautiful and I can't believe you still have blooms! The kitchen can surely wait until the weather is dreadful outside, that is how I do it too!
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