Money Plant. Tucked in between the camellias. I tossed these seeds out last summer. They survived the winter. I hope they reseed well.
Siberian Wallflower. Wintersown. Or scattered. Looks planted.
Euphorbia. I forget which variety and it's not really a bloom.
Nina Simone would love this plant. Euphorbia "Blackbird".
I paired it with a yellow striped yucca. Both are evergreen through the winter. I've added some other greens and golds in the form of shrubs, grasses, and sedums.
It's 77 degrees. Hoot!
All of those are things that I don't grow for no particular reason. Yours look good.
oh, that money plant will reseed - i can promise you that.
I wish my money market account would increase like your money plant WILL.
I love those black euphorbias. So goth! Your mention of Nina Simone is spot on. But 77? I am so jealous.
Tom, I just pull up the entire plant (lunaria) once it is very dry and shake it over the area I want lots of money plants to grow.
We were 79° yesterday!
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