Mother Nature is just toying with us now. From the 80s back to the upper 20s and everywhere in between, sometimes in the same day. It's 46 and cloudy now. It was sunny when I went outside to move the first hosta this morning. Rain is in the forecast for the weekend. Gonna be chilly too.
I moved too many things to list here. Hostas, shrubs, perennials, annuals, a lot of things were uprooted ahead of the coming rain. I'm working on framing in the backyard with spring blooming shrubs. I've got my eye on a pink and white striped camellia that came into the store yesterday. I might accidentally buy two. Thanks Chris for that wording.
Next spring, the area that used to be "The Wild" will be home to blooming forsythia, flowering quince, and maybe some azaleas. If the Camellia sasanquas that I dug as suckers from my own full sun shrub take root, I'll plant them in here too. I'm going for evergreen and not depending solely on conifers. I want to mix it up a bit.
All those evergreens will provide a backdrop for the peach tree.
And the pussywillow grown from cuttings. It'll also help frame in the swing. The color may be reconsidered by then.
The mahonia I moved as a stick with no roots is doing well. It's at the base of a Zuni crape myrtle. This is the crape's second spring. It bloomed a little last year. I hope to see nice growth this summer.
Those orange daffs are hiding another wood hyacinth. They've popped up all over this year. I guess they reseed. I like them.
Baby Brussel Sprouts are forming. And can I just say, fresh broccoli from my own garden is better than sex. There. I said it. I can't wait to try the sprouts.
I made a friend. I didn't want to. She walked right up to me. What is it with me and black cats? There's a tiny patch of white on her chest. She's got food and water at the side door now. I'm whipped. Now go catch some voles.
Heading back out to rearrange some more. I'm doing things as it strikes me. If I have an idea, I act on it. I've picked out the spot for the firepit. I'm trying to decide on a design. It might include a stock tank for plants and fish. Or it might just be a hole in the ground.
Mercy is right....I guess it depends on who you are with...there, I said it! lol
you've been alone tooooooo long.
This weather is fickle! Who knows what will happen. I've divided and moved mums and nepeta so far. I've been having to water the garden to help the spring flower seeds along. Severe drought!
I'm in love with that pussywillow! I have a soft spot for cats, just ask my partner...I'm terrified I'll become the next neighborhood "cat-man". The upside - I've NEVER seen a mouse or a rat near our house ;-)
The music goes great with the daffs and the purple swing. haha
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