The hosta are up. Even along the North side of the house, there are peaks of new green growth coming out of the soil.
That red and white striped camellia that's solid red with a yellow center has put on some new blooms too. I can't wait to see what it looks like in another 3 years.
The cast aside Loropetalum is blooming too. These two shrubs have been in more locations than I can count. At least 5. And yet they've survived somehow. I need to prune them a bit to shape them up. The hot pink sizzle in the backyard is going to be nice in a few years. I've paired them with all sorts of things including a white and green variegated privet. I know. Privet.
It's 77 degrees. I've been outside all morning with my shirt off. I managed to get a little heat on my shoulders. Feels good. Cooling down later in the week to more normal temperatures in the mid 60s.
3 comments: are so far ahead of my garden! I haven't even seen the Hostas poke out of the ground yet! The Lorapetalum is lovely...I keep trying to find a spot for one...maybe this year!
My Lorapetalum is blooming like crazy - twice as many blooms as last year. Some of the hostas are pretty far along and others haven't even shown the tip of a leave yet.
and you cut those camellias down...tisk,tisk.
btw...suppose to frost here tomorrow night. I've already got buds on the roses!
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