Azaleas on Azalea Drive
Petunias and Marigolds
Black Eyed Susans
Coreopsis 'Full Moon'
Rudbeckia 'Autumn Colors'
Hardy Hibiscus 'Turn of the Century'
The front bed in summer. A jumbled mess. I've already reworked the shrub layout and will continue the process in spring.
Three applications to fill out today. Seeds to mail for the swap. Trying to stay warm with a second cup of coffee and a two fires going.
105 days til last frost. Crap.
I'll join you in the boycott. I'm on the countdown to spring too.
There you are. I got an email from blotanist and couldn't find your blog. I cannot figure that site out. I need to spend some time this weekend getting familiar with it.
Here in Michigan it is currently 7 degrees and will get down to -1 tonight. We have about 15-20 inches of snow on the ground. Each night after work I have to go home and park in the street while I shovel out that day's snow from the driveway and sidewalk. I'd like to be sympathetic to your plight, but I'm already wallowing in self-pity. Count me in the countdown.
Sorry Jill. I know zone 7 isn't anything to sneeze at. The ladies over at GardenWeb have already castigated me for my complaints about the cold weather. I'm just not man enough to handle these temperatures. I don't know how you do it up there.
I love those pics of Spring flowers..looked at a lot of books and magazines on Flower Gardening, propagating, etc. last night when I couldn't sleep. I hate winter too!
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