The unusually cold weather and last week's snow has caused some damage to a few plants in the yard. My gardenias I started from cuttings last summer were the worst hit.
The variegated gardenia is probably dead.
The loropetalum should be okay, but I won't know until spring if it comes back to full life or not. I did get some cuttings from it but no roots so far.
The azaleas that were chopped down in 2007 were looking great until the snow. I'm sure I won't see any flowers on these this spring.
None of it seemed to stop the daffodils.
The rest of my day will be spent tidying up a few things here at the house. I'm waiting to hear back from a client about a potential project. I contacted other clients for references this weekend. One, maybe two, will have something next month. In the meantime, I'll still be looking for full time work. This Friday, I plan to apply at a nursery for a summer position. It won't pay the bills, but it would be a job I will enjoy.
Sunday's picture taken on Monday.
Hardwood cuttings: quince, blackberry, lavender crape myrtle, holly, mock orange. These were stuck in potting mix and placed in the hoophouse.
1 comment:
I'm sorry some of your plants were damaged by the cold weather. I love the last 2 pics, though! I like your house in the background of the daffodil.
I hope you find a job you like.
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