Before work, I have a couple things to do. One, I need to finish my first cup of coffee. Two, I've got to bring a couple loads of wood into the basement. Three, remind myself that spring is just over a month away. I can do this. I think.
Last year....
This year....
Not yet. No blooms from any daffodils. The forsythia has barely budded. Wintersown plants are well behind too. It was 52 degrees on this day in 2009. We're forecast to maybe reach the 40s today. Where'd I put my coffee?
14 degrees this morning here and having a hard time keeping the heat in the house with the least we burn wood and not that expensive fuel oil or gas...also, not even a slight chance of flowers of any kind here for at least a couple more, I'll grab another cup of jo with ya and dream over the seed catalogs a bit this morning...good day to ya
Like a breath of fresh air! It's cold here...
I played outside today, but the temperature only reached 47 degrees. Predicted 27 tonight and possible snow tomorrow night. Snow? We never have snow.
No daffodils open here, either, except those old paperwhites that don't pay attention to the weather. Hyacinths everywhere with tight buds but no open blooms. The camellias will have to start over for the third time.
Too cold here for a jammie dash outside!
Another front is supposed to hit Sunday.....making for high heat bills and high hay costs.
This too shall pass.
Dar, the wind yesterday was terrible. I finally gave up on trying to keep the house above 60 and just let the electric heat take over. The wood heater was being suffocated by the winds. It just wouldn't draw.
Darla, it's cold everywhere. So ready for spring.
Nell, I know how you dislike snow. Let's hope it passes us all.
Glenda, I know it will pass, but this has been an extremely LONG winter for everyone. I'm not even sure spring will arrive on time this year.
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