Wine & Roses wigela with the found canna lily. Surrounding it, the purple lantana is still blooming.
A red knockout is still blooming. More to come.
Sedum and sedum passed.
Next spring's red clover with Bunny Larkspur donated by Janie, the Obsessive/Compulsive Plant Collector.
I spread the love of althea all over the back edge of the perennial bed.
Alstroemeria from the Gaudy Garden's Jim with grape hyacinths
The butterfly weed finally died down. I got no seeds from these plants, but Cameron at Defining Your Home Garden sent me a few and other varieties.
Kris from The Gardens at Melissa Majora will appreciate these perennial aster seeds. I'll collect them in the morning to add to her growing pile.
Nell, the Seedscatterer, had butterfly ginger that bloomed, but mine didn't. Next year, they'll be moved in the spring to a sunnier spot.
Catherine from A Gardener in Progress grows these too. Veronica speedwell. Still blooming. Slowly spreading.
The lantana formerly known as Miss Huff.
That's about it for what's still going in the yard. It's 34 degrees and clear according to AccuWeather. My thermometer reads 42 degrees. It's been saying that for nearly a week. So much for digital accuracy. Tomorrow, I have plans.
You still have color your butterfly weed, milkweed for the Mornarchs...I found two monarch caterpillars yesterday, one was in the J formation....I wonder if the chrysalis will form and if they will make it?
Darla, I've read that some of the chrysalis can survive the winter. Not sure if that's true of Monarchs. It is a host plant. I've got lots more seed for these next year. I had some lovely Swallowtails this summer on Queen Anne's Lace.
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