At 6am, it was quiet and muggy. By 6:30, all hell had broken loose. There are trees down in the neighborhood. Most of my pineapple sage is in the backyard now. The wind ripped it apart. The thundercloud Plum in the perennial bed has a significant lean to it. All my castor beans are laying on the ground. Nearly all my plants have broken pieces and bits laying all over. Hasn't mother nature ever heard of moderation?
The worst part, about 1/2" down, the soil is still dry. Too much, too fast and little soaked in.
This used to be corn.
10:59am - I went out and pulled the cosmos and zinnias in the direct sown bed I created this spring. I planted bush beans and tossed more cosmos seed from the plants I pulled out. Not sure there'll be enough time to flower this late in the season, but I should be able to harvest the beans. 7-14 days for germination, 54 days to harvest. That puts me in mid-September having fresh beans for dinner. I also scattered pole beans around the cucumber trellis. They've got a 75 day harvest time, so that might be pushing it too far. We'll see.
The hairy balls plant (Gomphocarpus) is still there. I left it and the wintersown butterfly bush. They were getting smothered by the flowers.
70 degrees, mid 90% humidity. Light rain.
oh those quick storms can do damage for sure! i hope your plants rebound quickly!
i am spreading the datura love and gave some of my new seeds to my father in law as a thank you for helping us design and put in a drip irrigation system in the front. it was 2 days of work and he was here for 1 full hot day. he gave us most of the things we needed too so it didn't cost us more than $35. anyway, he's excited about the seeds! you have started a trend here i fear..hahah
Man, I hate to see that damage. Hope they can perk back up. I'm still sowing seeds, figure it cant hurt to try.
Your video was awesome - it's been months since we've had a good rain (in the desert, near Phoenix, AZ) - you captured the thunder and lightning so well that I almost got a chill just watching (the outdoor thermometer reads 113.8 right now; yesterday I saw 115.8 degrees). I hope your plants perk up quickly!
- Daisy
Don't you love those quick summer storms. Our garden took a beating as well but hopefully everything will recover. We still have another month before the stormy season gets here. What fun...
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