I've already started this morning. About 7am, I made coffee and grabbed the shovel. The impatiens I sowed weeks ago were planted out. Hopefully, the squirrels won't dig all of these up. They've also eaten every nearly ripe strawberry.

I planted two rooted cuttings of Mystic Spires salvia in the perennial bed where I think I could use some purple. I can always use more purple.

If you've got purple, you've got to have orange.

The ditch lilies along the bottom of the retaining wall are about to explode.

The show is already starting near the mailbox where the concrete and asphalt create a warmer microclimate.

It's 59 degrees. The sun is out, but hazy clouds keep it from shining full force just yet. There's a chance of afternoon thunderstorms so I need to get a lot done this morning. Today is my day. I plan to spend it doing what I enjoy most, gardening. I'll also be doing some weeding in various parts of the yard as the mood strikes. I've already cleared about 8' of crabgrass from the edges of the driveway along the perennial bed. Feels good to have my hands in my dirt.
12:22pm - Done. The rest are just started seeds like coleus and some items for others. Only 23 more holes will be dug for those that are staying with me, assuming germination comes.

While planting out and watering, I noticed my first cosmos bloom. I like it.

And some pictures from around the perennial bed.

Can't forget the hot pink hybrid tea rose. It's so pink it's tacky.

It's 77 degrees. The hammock calls.
Oh Tom, do enjoy your day in your soil! I love that torch lily, wonder if mine will bloom this year?
Darla, that one took two years from seed to bloom. The other one bloomed two stalks last year that went all over the place. It looked like it was trying to tie itself into a knot.
Tom! Gorgeous!! Have Carla take a photo of you (long shot)standing in the middle of your garden. It would be something to remember.
just throw a towel over the knockouts
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