1.2" of rain has fallen since last night. It started about 11pm. Another 1-2" is forecast for today. It's a welcomed sight.
Two new poppies have opened. The lavender one is near the mailbox. The Shirley poppy is the only one out of several packs of seed sown last fall. I was hoping for Flanders field in the backyard. Maybe next year.

The green glob is here, too. Thank goodness! I've got a kaboodle of inside chores piling up. And, if one can believe the forecasters, it's going to be a rainy week here. Good for the garden!
That lavender is sooo awesome it almost makes me rethink getting a breadpoppy.... hmmm
It's cloudy here this morning with another chance of rain. Looks like I'll be bringing out the broom and mop...lovely poppies!
Hurray ~ Rain for you. We had some light rain this morning, but right now it's just breezy and partly cloudy. We could use some more. I just checked online weather, and it looks like the rain is all in the middle to northern half of the state.
Enjoy your day indoors. I love your lavender poppy.
i did not know poppy plants could be purple.
Marie, It's probably a reseed from the Lauren's Grape variety I grew last year. I scattered those seeds all over.
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