Some random pictures taken yesterday before it rained.

8:37am - The microwave is in. I told you I was serious about getting this kitchen done. It was easier than I thought it would be. The outlet in the upper cabinet isn't hooked up to the breaker box yet, but I picked up the breaker yesterday and if I'm courageous enough, I might just install it myself. Robert has offered to come back to do it, but that's a long drive just to install a simple breaker. He gave me instructions.

Next up, a test piece for the new countertops I intend to build in a few weeks. I've decided I don't like the laminate. I'm thinking concrete.
You sure have some color popping around your place...don't you just love the Poppy seedheads?
I love that last shot with all your rocks on the side of your house. Very artistic , I enjoy gardens with rocks bordering beds and paths, thanks !
Darla, I just keep thinking of all the crosses I'll get next year. Purple, pink, and these fringed poppies are all growing within a few feet of each other. Can't wait to see what they produce.
Antique, I use native stone from the yard to edge most of my beds. I just had to pick most of it from the ground where I tilled the soil. There are piles of it laying in the gully, most of it too small for this purpose though.
Isn't it great? I left for France and we'd had no significant rain. I didn't ask my house sitter to water anything. I left it all up to Mother Nature. I can't believe the lushness of the garden which is filled with larkspur, cornflower, poppy and nigella blooms!
the garden looks gorgeous!!
i love concrete countertops. that's what i want to do in here when we remodel one day...they are just so beautiful! i'm anxious to see how your's turn out..:)
Tom, I can see your purple door and I like it! Also love those poppies~I was given a large baggie of seeds and once the neighbors go to seed I'll scatter mine. Is that what you would recommend? Gail ps Go with the concrete and show me how;)...I want concrete counter tops, too.
those flowers are amazing. and def stay away from laminate. def concrete or stone. not tile, unless it is the back splash. and think about the sink/ counter edge relationship. the last thing you want is some "gunky" edge to keep messing around with.
Nice Microwave!
Tom, your weather sounds very much like what we had last week. We ended up with 6 inches total.
I will warn you; then the heat set in. We have had some 90° days, summer temps.
Be sure to post details of the concrete counter tops. The microwave looks great.
I think I look forward to the poppies more than any plant simply because the crosses are just amazing. I have a salmony pink one this year; a first.
Tom, we've had a lot of rainfall too but don't think as much as you have had. Today is supposed to be close to 90..need to get out there and water the hanging basket of deeep red geraniums..some new variety that hubby spied at HD..I don't care for it but it looks like darkblood red, almost burgundy color..almost like a double variety. You might have them at Lowe's. I just went out to water it and to look at the tag that came with it..can't find the tag. Maybe I took it off and laid it on workbench inside garage. Will look for it this afternoon. A lady slammed into us yesterday morning and we have an appt. for estimate of damages this am. I think the name of it started with a V..
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