New larkspur blooms are open in the perennial bed.

Blue Bedder salvia, grown from seed last spring and overwintered, is budding.

The roses along the front bed parallel to the driveway look great. These are knockouts. Sunny Knockout is growing faster than the pink or reds.

At the base of the dead oak tree, a new fungus appeared last night. I didn't notice it yesterday as I walked around the yard watering new plantings.

It's 59 degrees. The humidity stands at 93%. The high today will reach the low 90s. No rain in the 10 day forecast, again.
yard looks great.
can we see some current picture of hours interiors also ? sans borders.
I really need to get some yellow Knock Out Roses. My Larkspur is beginning to bloom. My Blue Bedder Salvia reseeded and is doing great. Google Dog Vomit Fungus and see it that's it. I have it from time to time, I think it's a good sign...can't remember. How do I get rid of slugs and snails?????
Glad your blue bedder salvias came back. Mine haven't. boo hiss!
Can I assume that all 'delphiniums' that have those thin, ferny leaves are really larkspur? When I see delphs at the store they have large flat leaves. Please tell me, live plant guy.... ;-D
Marie, I haven't done anything to the inside of the house since it warmed up. I might get something done if it ever rains. I spend most of my free time outside now.
Darla, slug & snail bait. Wood ashes are great too. No slugs in the perennial bed this year after scattering the ashes all winter.
Kris, there is annual larkspur and perennial delphinium. The annual type can be direct sown here. The perennial type doesn't care for our humid summers so I only grow the one. At the store, we have the perennial variety. It's got the large flat leaves you speak of. I don't even buy them at a penny a piece. They won't survive unless given lots of water and shade.
Your garden looks lovely -- I'm so jealous of your roses! Your slime mold does look like "Dog Vomit" and if so, that's good because it's harmless. :)
So many plants and they all look lush and full. You give me hope! Most of my wintersown seedlings are still little microdots, although some are crawling out of their containers.
Rudbeckias planted 2-3 weeks ago are showing some growth but it's hard to imagine (now) that anything at all will bloom. When that thought passes my mind, I am reminded of your famous photo of 3 rudbeckia seedlings last year, and how much they grew in 3 months.
Planting out is taking far more time than I expected! I was worried about not having enough plants, now I have too many so am planting them in any available bare spot - and I'm less than half finished.
Congratulations on a great job!
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