Orchid Primrose. Primula vialii

It looks best in mass plantings. I have a shady spot in front of the fence along the driveway that's perfect for it. I have 18 of them to plant. I spent less than the price of lunch at McDonald's.

I've also got Salvia leucantha. A customer promised me this last fall. She brought it in on Friday with a bunch of other things.

Daisy Gardenia is blooming. This one is on the rear corner of the house. I can smell it through the open windows of the back bedroom.

Wintersown impatiens. The first to bloom.

The crape myrtle bed is coming along. Pink, white, and purple.

Miniature roses from a Winterswap participant. I'll find somewhere to plant these over the next few weeks.

I'm supposed to help Carla with some wood from a tree taken down this winter that's still in her yard. It's her Birthday too.
1:55pm. Still no word back from Carla. I called her when I got home this morning.
All the plants are in place. Just as I finished, it's started raining. Passing showers should be common the next 4-5 days as we get back to normal weather. The soil is nice and wet. The transplants should get their roots down in no time at all. It's 81 degrees, humid, and raining. I love it.
I can't believe that you get such good deals from where you work. Of course, you work there, but heck, down here HD does not sell any plants at a discount at all, they give them back to the supplier for credit. Sheesh!!! Your flowers are all wonderful, and I'm jealous of that Daisy Gardenia, well I'm jealous of any gardenia actually, and hope to find one curbside one day. One can dream can't they. :-)
Enjoy your wonderful, expanding gardens Tom. You are doing a great job and you are an inspiration with all of your energy and ideas.
I haven't seen Orchid Primrose before. It's lovely.
Salvia leucantha - is that Mexican Sage? I'm jealous. i had that one time - it was a beautiful plant and loved the heat - but did not survive the Winter - not cold hardy at all.
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