From yesterday, this is a closer view of the perennial bed arbor and beds. I'm very happy with the way it's turned out this year. It should only get better with each passing season.

Wintersown in 2008/9, Rose Campion has found a home in several spots. I've already planted out seedlings in the backyard from seeds sown this year. The scabiosa bloomed a little last year. There are lots of nice buds on the plants this time around. Stargazers will be the next plants to bloom in this area.

Rose Campion with Red Hot Pokers.

Another Rose Campion. I'll let these reseed and pull the unwanted ones later.

On the backside of the arbor, the Pink Maiden dianthus are really showing off this year.

They'll continue to bloom on and off all summer with another flush in the fall as the temperatures cool down. I'll be checking for seeds and probably take cuttings soon.

Self-sown petunias are blooming. I love the variations in color.

Someone sent me seeds of Cornus kousa. I sowed them all in a clump in the garden last fall when they arrived. I think they like the spot. Brugmansia from cuttings (pink and yellow) are in the background. Beyond that, two clearance hydrangeas have found a shady home behind the camellia.

Near the mailbox, in some of the driest, hardest soil in the yard, the first breadseed poppy has opened. More to come. No idea what other colors may arrive. There were some peony poppy seeds sown as well. I guess it will be a surprise. These too will be left to reseed with a little help from me.

Gold Flame Spirea in the Shady Corner is happy. The two small plants I picked up last year for cheap have not returned. I will take cuttings of this one once the blooms have faded. I'd like to scatter them in the crape myrtle bed for some foliage contrasts and the pink blooms work well with my color scheme there.

Salvia subrotunda seedlings were pulled from the perennial bed yesterday. I'll be setting these out in the upper meadow once we've gotten some rain. It's very likely over the next few days that something will fall. The other containers hold cuttings of Autumn Joy sedum and Montauk Daisy. The Montauks will be planted around the backyard for some late fall blooms. More cuttings will be made as soon as the S. subrotunda is planted out. The containers hold in humidity which helps the cuttings retain moisture. I leave these in the shade on the side porch. The sedums should root in a couple weeks.

From the photos I was planning to show, this is the driveway border I started last winter. There's rosemary, a couple Rosa chinensis, peonies, a yucca, the one surviving Honeycomb butterfly bush, a lilac, and weigela. I'm sure I am forgetting some things.

And what it used to look like on February 17, 2008. I like the way it's matured.

It's 72 degrees and mostly sunny. There's a haze in the sky as the humidity is up. Rain possible this evening after 8pm. The best chances seem to be Sunday and Monday at 50-60%. I wouldn't care if it rained all day.
I see lots of color in your garden. I love the rose campion, it is one of my favorite "filler" plants. You'll be surprised at how fast your garden will mature, especially starting in the third year.
Love the first photo, do you have a vine growing on the arbor. What a great Spriea, it's on my wish list. Driveway border is getting with the program, very nice.
Tom – the first shot looks great. All the green is pleasing and you are right, it will only get better as everything matures. But you have a wonderful start.
The Red-Hot Poker looks nice and healthy. Are they slow growing? I planted on ove a year ago and it grows slowly and has only had two blooms on it.
It's wonderful all the beauty you've brought to your yard!
Your beds are looking beautiful! I love larkspur. The soil here was too wet for my original campions, but I have had volunteers here and there. They don't look as happy as yours, though.
Oh, one of the photos with the larkspur and I forgot what else was on my computer earlier today, when I needed to leave the room for a few minutes. When I came back, and my eyes landed on the photo, it felt like I was looking at a gardening magazine. Lovely!
It's cold and rainy here.
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