Foxglove. The yellow turned purple.

Dianthus planted in the window boxes last fall, planted in the garden in late February.

Confederate Jasmine on the chimney trellis.

Wintersown in 2008, Blue eyed grass (Sisyrinchium montanum) is blooming this year.

Clearance plants. I started a new bed. Castor beans have been sown behind. Euphorbia "Blackbird", Yucca "Yellow Stripe", and eventually a few sedums will be used here. These are drought tolerant plants for an area that stays dry most of the year. It's hot and sunny all afternoon.

Self-sown Pineapple sage. I checked a leaf for the fragrance. Three of my plants from last year have returned nearby at the end of the driveway.

It's 73 degrees and humid. There's rain in the forecast today after 8am. Scattered thunderstorms are possible. I'm hoping it rains all day.
I'm hoping it does not rain here. Everything is looking good Tom. Drop by and see how my Floxglove looks....on steriods for sure!
Yup, we need the rains too. We had just over an inch a few days ago that was very welcome in our 7 yr. drought. Am looking forward to much more. I can't wait for the blooms on your Blackbird Euphorbia. What an interesting color. Love the Jasmine and the Blue-Eyed Grass too. You sure garden prolifically. Love it.
Darla, those are some odd plants. I've seen that happen before, but only once in person at the store this weekend.
Dar, I like to grow a lot of things for various scents and sights around the yard. Can't beat the smell of the Confederate Jasmine. The blackbird probably won't bloom this year. Most were cut back by the nursery before they sent them to us. Without blooms, they're still very nice with the yellow yucca. I'm going to try propagating them in a few weeks. Just to see if I can.
Tom, what is the names of the variety of those dianthus? Love both of those colors.
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