Brugmansia continues to bloom.
The leaves of forsythia match the house.
Red and orange can be found in the "tender" annuals Tithonia and Salvia splendens.
Next, we have the camellias. My C. sasanquas didn't bloom again this year.
It's 52 degrees. I've got to move some firewood today. I keep thinking I should chop down all the dead things in the garden. Clean and tidy, I like blank slates. But this year, I'm enjoying watching it fall naturally. There's beauty in the cycles. Next year's larkspur is already up.
Nice post, that Crape Myrtle is really stunning. I'm of the camp that leaves most of the plant debris in the garden until spring. When I lived in a colder zone, it was more for helping them make it through the winter, now I just like how it looks :-) It has the added benefit of helping me remember where I've planted things, as I tend to be over-zealous in the spring and am apt to dig into things that are already there.
For what it's worth, I have found that Sasanquas need more water than other camellias, and also more sun. The other trick you might want to try is applying cottonseed meal in early spring. Just scratch a couple of cups into the soil around the base.
Thanks Tim. Mine is in full sun. It used to be 30' tall. Now it's about 4'. I cut it back many years ago. Just waiting for it to recover too, I suspect.
Beautiful! Thanks. Happy Thanksgiving!
Indeed you do have some great fall colors not so much. My crapes are either bare or still green, sigh. All the neighbors are beautiful shades of fall. I have larspur, snow in summer, lupine and three different types of poppies up now...So exciting!
All of a sudden the crepe myrtles are all on fire! Has fall finally arrived?
Our crepes never look like that. Love your brugmansia.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Tom.
Happy Thanksgiving! I've enjoyed your blog immensely and thank you!
- Daisy in AZ
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