There was no alarm clock this morning. The sound of the birds and the trash truck woke me from my sleep. I laid in bed for a few enjoying the sound of the wind through the trees around the yard. Once coffee was made, I began to formulate my plan for today. The second cup of coffee was enjoyed with the camera in the yard.
Something's wrong with my pumpkin.
More orange on new canna blooms.
And the Zuni Crape Myrtle I planted last fall in the perennial bed. This one should stop growing at about 15'. There was once a Thundercloud Plum here, but it lives on in the backyard now.
The tallest thing in the bed these days are the dying stalks of the Red Texas Star Hibiscus. I've collected plenty of seeds from these. I've got plans for them.
My cabbage grew overnight.
From a cutting taken in Carla's driveway last fall, I've got my first Confederate Rose bloom. It's actually a hibiscus. By evening, these should fade to pink or red. The story goes that slain Confederate soldiers' blood colored the flowers of a white blooming plant. I'm curious to see the outcome.
Today's task:
But to do that, something's got to go.
It's 73 degrees and mostly cloudy. The sun peaks through every now and again. Rain is likely this afternoon. It's a fine day to work in the dirt. I need it.
1:16pm - It's early afternoon. I could use a nap. I might get one here very soon. I pulled and moved the swamp sunflower on the corner. I scattered it around the edge of the backyard near the swing and in the crape myrtle bed. It can spread back there.
I gave some to a neighbor along with some spider lily bulbs I dug. He was very happy. He told me he hopes the next person that lives here loves gardening as much as I do. He's glad to know I'll be in town for another year even if the house sells. While we were talking, I found a great spot for this viburnum. I love the color.
My rooted artemesia cuttings are doing great too. Like me, they're happy to finally have rain.
If it storms, I'll clean the house and take a nap. If it doesn't, I'll probably just take a nap.
Love that confederate rose!
What a sweet voice Joni had. That music sure sends me back in time.
You still have a lot blooming in your gardens and that Confederate Rose is stunning.
Enjoy your time in the garden. It is great therapy for whatever might ail us.
Just look at all the flowers you still have blooming! We were in Wilmington area for my 50th. class reunion over the weekend and we had perfect weather. Was so great to see all my old classmates again. We had a lot of fun!
That Confederate rose is a real beauty and I don't usually like too many white flowers but I liked that! Thanks for sharing the photos of it with us.
Glad you have your own log splitter. That's a touch job to do without one. My husband used to split 2 cords of wood each year at our previous home without a log splitter, just mawl and a lot of slinging hard of the tool.
Do you ever get the Northern Tool catalogue? That's where he got the best wood splitting tool from and it was under $20..everybody wanted to borrow it.
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