The bed on the front slope, where I had envisioned butterfly nectar and host plants has been removed. Nothing performed well except the usual suspects, sedums, coneflowers, and lavender. Sharp drainage and a large oak tree are the culprits. Grass seed will be sown in a few weeks when the temperatures fall a bit more. The surviving perennials were moved to better locations. I'll have to keep them watered for the next week.

It's 84 degrees. The humidity stands at 63%. It's about as hot as it's going to get today.
i vote for making a rounded pool of grass surrounded by pine straw on the slopes - it would be easy to keep and look good from the steps.
Is there enough sun for something like lantana to fill that space? I thought we were over the drought, but the tree root competition seems especially fierce this year....even my pachysandra is struggling, and that lives through anything!
wow that looks weird. are you going to have to mow the slope?
Maybe. I might do like David says and just cover it with pine straw. A few azaleas and gardenias might be nice. Or just leave it empty and sow grass seed. I mowed it the first summer I was here. Not easy, but doable.
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