The ditch lilies are still going strong by the front walk.
So are the rudbeckia in the perennial bed.
The first Four O'clock bloomed last night.
Monarda citriodora.
Black & Blue Salvia is blooming.
Three pink azaleas are way behind schedule.
The squash is right on time.
It's 72 degrees. The temperature is already starting to rise. By mid-afternoon, we'll be in the 90s.
How your garden grows.
I love the squash bloom the best for its anticipation.
We need that rain! The skies are cloudy right now. What a muggy day today.
Those azaleas are pretty, but they sure are late.
Have you ever grown heliopsis scabra 'Summer Sun' from seeds? I bought one plant to try out in the deer resistant garden. If they don't eat it, then I'd like to grow more.
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