I watered a bit on Monday, and noticed the first buds of the Zuni crape myrtle. This one is supposed to be a small tree, about 12' tall when mature.
Helenium mixes well with my favorites. Instead of flopping like the Black Eyed Susans do, they've remained upright and proud. I'll divide these and move them around to add more color to rather blah areas.
I want more coneflowers too. Lots more coneflowers. And a few more coneflowers.
Agastache comes in several varieties already in my garden. I'd like to actually see some of the new ones that I wintersowed, but they're still tiny. Some haven't grown at all since I planted them out months ago.
At least it rained last night and this morning. The weatherguy says we got about 1/4", but I know there was more that fell in my yard. It's actually drizzling now. This afternoon and during the evening, we've got more chances for storms. Bring it on. The naked rain dance worked.
It's 77 degrees. The high today might reach the mid-80s. What a relief.
I really appreciate the results from your rain dance, but thankful that I didn't have to watch! :-) It rained here during the night.
I'm ready to try heleniums and will see if I can sow those successfully from seeds.
More, rain, please!
Well, are you going to keep us guessing what you think you will not keep next year?
Just realized I mistyped my username and it took it. Maybe we should all think about more drought tolerate flowers, along with deer resistant for 2011. It is delightful here today, only 83 with a nice breeze.
A lot of people on the gardening websites are talking about a bood called Succulent container gardens by Debra Lee Baldwin..looks interesting.
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