It started to rain as I got half a block from the truck. I made the block and decided to head out to Badin. It seemed a decent place to park for a while at the boat landing. It was pouring rain when I arrived.

Behind me, the sun broke through the last of the clouds. The sky was still dark overhead. From the landing, it appeared that the rainbow sprang out of the lake itself.
I sat there about an hour and just watched the water and the clouds. Then I drove into town and parked across the street from the store. I didn't see a single customer go in or out the whole time. About quarter of 7, I started making my way back home. I stopped at the store for a pack of gum. I drove past the house and noticed the dining room light was off. I could go home again.
Her card was on the kitchen counter. Someone had been in my house.
This morning I get an email stating that the tour had been canceled at the last minute due to problems on the client's end. So be it. Another tour will be scheduled, but she's already disrupted my life enough.
I'll bet you make coffee exactly at the same time every morning. "5 of the hour".
Oh for Pete's sake! why didn't the real estate agent give you a call to tell you they canceled?
You did capture a beautiful rainbow picture for your troubles. Maybe that was your 'gift' of the day.
May tomorrow be a better day all the way around.
Grouchy, I wake up when I wake up most days. I don't live my life that rigidly any more.
Yes, FlowerLady, it was a nice gift. One lady at the boat landing was going on and on about God's gift and promise. I kept thinking about rain droplets and sunlight. It's funny how something so incredible in nature can bring together two people who would probably never meet in real life.
What a great picture of the rainbow.
I would hate the 'showings' but without them, no sale. I would probably just grab a book and settle some where and read.
I'll say it again ... why not just take it off the market?
The whole selling a house thing isn't that fun, but its definitely better not to be there when potential buyers are there..
my last sale (a nyc apt) the agent walked in on me in the shower. He had forgotten to call. So.... it could be worse!!!
(and for the record, I did get the sale!)
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