The pansies by the front walk seem to be popular. These are what I thought I was planting, more purple and pink, more in matching the color of the door and shutters.

This is what I got, for $2 on clearance this past winter.

Can't say it's ugly because they are nice pansies. But the combinations just didn't turn out the way I wanted. I would like more bright color next year. Maybe some orange yellow and white. Or whatever goes on clearance around Thanksgiving.
I have had a chance to go back and visit a few of your earlier post. You have done truly awesome work. I really enjoyed reading your "winter sowing" post.
I may have to start going through the recycle at school for plastic soda bottles.
Orange, yellow and white violas all mixed up together looked super in front of the Mexican Restaurant in Dothan where we ate last week.
I'm fond of the blue/purple shades and the ones call 'antique shades' but not together. In fact, I never met a viola or pansy blossom I didn't think was lovely.
The problem with the darker ones might be that you don't expect such dark colors heralding spring. Miss Billie always told me to order yellow violas because they show up better.
Plant 1,000 orange and purple ones next year. For you...a half days work.
heh. I like what grouchy said up there. too true!
I've been looking and watching at our local Lowe's for over a year now for the tea olives you speak so highly of. I've yet to see a single one!! It must be sold only in specific areas. Do you know of any other online source that sells them? I'm jonesin' for one! :)) You and I traded quite a long time ago when you were new to GW, you sent me some red spider lily bulbs. Two of which are still going strong! lol
Anyways, just thought I'd inquire about the tea olives. The employees at our local Lowe' s look at me like I'm an alien everytime I inquire about them! :)
Take care!
Tea olives (Osmanthus fragrans) are only cold hardy to zone 7 and sometimes suffer winter damage here. Glad to hear the spider lilies are going well. I moved more last week. They reproduce quickly.
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