I see daffodils that I want to remember so I can divide them and spread orange through other parts of the yard. I'm patient. This could take years.

A camellia planted last year is blooming. It got moved in the fall to a shadier spot.

My new pink and white striped camellia. Isn't it fabulous?

Yeah. And then there's this little treasure. The loropetalum is about to clash horribly with the quince.

Maybe the Redbuds will tone it down a bit.

The only reason to like vinca.

Food is pretty.

I'm thinking a stir fry with baby cabbage.

I'm worried it might bolt like my broccoli.

All the herb containers have sprouts. This is dill.

Sprouts in my wintersown containers too. Red Texas Star hibiscus. Sweet.

The beginning of a fire pit. I'll work on it more next weekend when I have some help moving a few stones.

It's 63 degrees but cool. Should be a nice week.
I'm think 'n baby cabbage stir fry sounds good!
"This could take years."
That settles it !
They're promising 70 degrees here on Long Island by the weekend. I hope! It sure will be nice.
Your yard looks beautiful. I have an abundance of daffodils and should really think about dividing them up later on. I've never done that before but I'd like the 'spread the yellow', too!
Now that the weather is pretty we all seem to be taking stock of our yards and reawakening our inner gardener.
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