New growth on the Burford Hollies at the end of the driveway.

Fragrant Carolina Jasmine.

Zuni Crape Myrtle. Um, it's too early. The Muskogee on the corner of the house is leafing out too. The old pink in the backyard is still dormant. It's smart.

The morning sky was beautiful this morning. There's a lot of green on the trees. The oaks will start tasseling any day now. The truck is orange, covered with pollen. It's 45 degrees.

Click to embiggen.
I've been a silent lurker here for a while but I must tell you: Your photos are great! That last shot is simply breathtaking!
It seems so many of our plants and trees are on the same schedule. I'm in zone 7. They have now separated our zone, a and b, and I'm not sure where my little biosphere belongs. I was about nursery hopping yesterday and saw the loveliest pink Camilla and thought of your Camillas.
Wondering if you've ever gown the burford holly in full shade? Trying to decide on a screen hedge in the shade. zone 6 here in Kansas, we're probably 2 weeks behind you. Our pears and plums are blooming.
Oh, dear, I hadn't seen the 32° forecast for this weekend yet. That'll nip some of the tender things and new growth that's not in synch.
Spring is more changeable than ever.
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