With some judicious pruning, the peach tree should complement the swing color each year.

The concrete bird bath did not freeze. This bamboo bowl set into concrete surrounded by stones did.

It's crystal clear and cold. 37 degrees and climbing.

The camellias seem a little faded. Or maybe they've always been pink instead of red. I'll have to buy a red one soon. I picked up "Lady Vansittart" this weekend. It's pink and white striped.

Transplanted larkspur is doing fine. I moved these on Friday. I was hoping for a good hard rain. We got it. I'll move more this Wednesday to other areas of the yard. I'd like to see huge swaths of it blooming in the spring. It reseeds easily, so a few plants this year means a lot of plants next year.

Snow peas. This is my best showing ever. I need to get some fertilizer on them soon.

Going to mail out some plants I rooted last spring for a lady in Texas. She sent me irises. We wanted to send it at the right time and this fall was not in the cards. So she's getting them now, before it gets hot.
I've got sprouts in my herb containers. I need an herb garden. Maybe near a patio off the side porch.
We had a couple days last week that really dipped below freezing...some of the emerging plants do seem to have gotten a bit burned...but there's still time, hopefully they'll recover. I used to have some of those reseeding larkspur...always looked forward to the unexpected seedlings that seemed to pop up in the most fortuitous of places! Love the peach tree...so reminds me of home.
Love the purple swing. Do you plan to continue that same color on the swing frame? What a wonderful place to sit and look over all the beauty that you have created on your property. I didn't realize the color of peach blossoms are the same as a pink dogwood. In fact, come to think of it, don't recall ever seeing a peach tree in bloom. Thanks for sharing. It really looks like Spring has come to your part of NC. Have any of the azaleas bloomed yet?
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