Black and Blue Salvia.

Echinacea Summer Sunrise (?)

Tall tithonia.

Queen Anne's Lace with Echinacea purpurea.

Blackberry Lilies and Rudbeckia triloba.

Agastache, Melampodium, Perilla, and Rudbeckia triloba.

Zucchini (still no fruit) and perilla.

I pulled a lot of stuff from the circle bed in the perennial garden. I transplanted a few things here and there under the anticipation of heavy rain tonight. I watered well, hoping I haven't done a bad thing. Most of the transplants are first year perennials that should survive the remainder of the summer. If not, there will always be more in a few months.
Love the vegetables mixed like you have done. Sorry for the delay..reach me at gardenergab@aol.com jim
Thanks Compost. I'll be in touch soon.
Zucchini and perilla seem to be complimenting each other with look, size and colour. ~bangchik
You've convinced me to grow Melampodium next year. It'll be a good substitute for the Profusion zinnias that really start looking ragged about this time.
Cindy (natal)
I love the mix of echinacea and queen anne's lace...just lovely...and I agree about black & blue salvia...it's a really standout plant
i LOVE the black and blue salvia
...and i love you :)
If you are going to weedwhack the meadow bed---May I send postage-I would like cane looking plant in that bed (green and White)
I bought a white coneflower but Summer Sunrise is on my absolute must have list now. Those are great combos you are sharing.
I love the cool qualities of the black and blue when it starts to shine in the midst of the summer heat! And the zucchini is a beautiful addition to a flower bed!
All cool stuff!
I like those flowers and combos, too.
I forgot to say I love your header photo, and new look of your blog.
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