Two blooms finally opened this morning. I've been waiting over a week since I noticed buds on the plants I have near the birdbath. The color is more red than the photo shows. It's an outstanding hibiscus and very easy to grow.
Today's my first day back to work after a week of vacation. It's been a great time. Gotta ease back into things slowly. The yard needs to be mowed. Weeds need to be pulled. Plants need to start finding new homes.
There's a 40% chance of afternoon and evening thunderstorms again. It's 81 degrees. The high should reach the mid 90s, again.
Glad you are well rested. My Texas star did not germinate, sigh. I saw a white one with a green center at the local nursery, didn't have 20 extra bucks at the time or I would have purchased it...gotta it on my wish list though. This one is beautiful!
Darla, I have two white ones here that haven't bloomed yet. I planted them away from the red ones. If they bloom and set seed, I'll be sure to save you some.
Oh Tom, you are a doll!! Thanks, hope they set lots of seeds, lol.
One of my all time favorites!!!! Ours are just about through for the season. The seed heads are also such a marvel to look at through fall.
I have never heard of it but it looks great. I suppose it won't winter here. I have a dinner plate hibiscus that is about to bloom that was given to me as a baby plant last year. I wired it to protect it so it could do it's own thing. I've been told that they look dead most of the spring and people tend to pull them out when they just have a late start to put out foliage. Sounds like you had a great week off. Go slow as I know you pace you pick up will be a whirlwind.
Pretty -- Now that you're back at work -- we need your rain dance again!
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