Looking down the hill towards the Crape Myrtle bed. The gully is beyond.


To the left, the lower potager beds with my flopping tomatoes that never got staked. The cool temperatures have allowed them to finally set fruit. I am disappointed so far.

The shrub island is on the left. The crape myrtle bed is front right. The meadow lies beyond.

Parallel to the house, looking up the hill, there are butterfly bushes in the shrub island. The driveway border is on the left.

My favorite path in the perennial bed. I opened this one up last winter. The grass is soft. The plantings are tall. It's a great escape even in the heat of the day.

The high today should reach the mid 80s. I plan to spend some time working on the last coat of paint in the hall and the toekicks in the kitchen. A trip to the lake is also on the agenda.
Wow! I love it all. I would love to meander along these paths, taking in the colors, textures and scents. You've done a great job.
Have a wonderful holiday weekend.
I love the curvy edging made of stones. Your plants are all healthy looking and very green... Happy gardening ~bangchik
so peaceful, i see your hammock!
I like the perennial bed, as well. It looks as though the path is narrower there, which just adds to the "wild forest of flowers" feeling. Enjoy the lake!
Your paths are so great. It is good to have them broken down like a cottage garden with each bed looking so great. I have only one path and it has grown in with field lilies and phlox. I am going to have to chop a lot of it away if I want to keep the path.
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