Ox Eye Daisy
Salvia Blue Queen
Dianthus Firewitch
Orlaya Grandiflora
Salvia officinalis
Dianthus knappi
Echinacea Harvest Moon
Rudbeckia triloba
Great Blue Lobelia
Dianthus Depford Pink
Monarda fistula
Penstemon Husker Red
Coreopsis Mahogany Midget
Pink Touch Me Not Impatiens
Siberian Wallflower
Lavendula Augustifolia
71 2-liters have germinated:
Red Mexican Hat - 2
Shasta Daisy White Knight
Diathus Firewitch - 2
Phlox Laura
Siberian Wallflower - 2
Chloeme - 2
Queen Anne's Lace - 2
Rudbeckia hirta brown - 2
Orlaya grandiflora
Rudbeckia hirta Cherry Brandy - 2
Drummond phlox
Evening Primrose
Ox Eye Daisy - 3
Red Lychnis
Great Blue Lobelia
Lavendula Augustifolia
Bronze fennel
Buddleia White - 2
Obedient Plant
Hardy Geranium Brookside
Gaillardia yellow
Blue Flax
Echinacea purple - 6
viola tricolor
Touch Me Not
Buddleia purples
Golden Margureite
Chrysanthemum Robinson's Red
Marsh Mallow
Columbine purple
Rose Campion pink
Pearl Grass
Dianthus Depford Pink
Rose Campion white
Salvia Blue Queen
Culver's root
Garlic Chives
Double Red Monarda
Rudbeckia hirta
Bamboo white dragon
Verbena hasata
Malva mauritiana
Verbascum Wedding Candles
Verbascum Milkshake
Salvia Lady in Red
Dianthus knappi
Germination in the hoophouse has been good. I was expecting better, but I'm not going to complain. Just a quick count tells me that so far, assuming 4 hunks of seedlings per 2-liter and 8 containers of each in the hoophouse that should net at least two hunks, I've got about 556 holes to dig. This doesn't count the 125 Rudbeckia hirta cups that have sprouted and will need to be divided into at least 2 clumps at planting time. If I manage to get it all planted out, it will be beautiful. I still have about 100 tender/annual varieties to sow. I'm a long way from being done.
While checking on my containers, I moved the sprouted ones forward. I'll be watching for the second set of leaves before planting out. Doing this early reduces loss and makes for hardier plants. I used this same method last year with decent results.

I took some time this morning, after the wood was split, to pull back some of the leaves on the perennial bed. The soil is very wet. It needs to dry out a bit before I can plant. Hopefully, the sun shining on it with the light wind we're having will help. The low humidity certainly will. I shredded the leaves and scattered them in the meadow. This spring, I'll shred more leaves from across the street to put back down to reduce watering and continue to add to my organic mass.
I found two new crocuses under the leaves by the street.

Another Montauk daisy is coming back to life near the driveway.

Golden Jubilee at the birdbath is that beautiful purple that will turn lime green as it warms up. This one was self sown.

I planted all eleven of the penny nandinas. One was tossed into the woods. Five went into the beds behind the house. The other five went into the shrub island near the meadow. They all look sad right now, but each had fresh growth under the cold damaged leaves. One was suckering all around the edge of the pot.

I also planted out my cabbages. The carrots didn't germinate well, so I will probably wait until fall to try again. The peas didn't sprout either. I sowed the other half of the pack in place and covered the bed with plastic. The 8 plants in the background are Foster Hollies. They were a penny each too. The leaves are all brown, but the pith is still green. I'm going to wait before declaring them dead. Three tea olives were also part of that bunch. I've got them in part shade near the hydrangea bed beside the driveway.

Everything in the hoophouse and the 2-liter containers got a drink of water. I disturbed a couple of stowaways in the hoophouse.

It's 48 degrees and still sunny. I'm done. I need a nap.
We get so used to the varying success rate of germination. One attempt may see seeds sprouting, another attempt may see total failure. So many variables that help germination..., amateur gardeners like me, hasn't gather enough knowledge and experience to understand and appreciate the reason why.... Good Luck to your gardening adventure.. ~bangchik
Bangchik, most of these seeds have been outside in the cold and snow and rain. It's mother nature that decides if they should grow. I just give them a more comfortable spot.
Tom ~ What you have done is so fascinating. You are going to have one beautiful, colorful garden come spring/summer. I love your enthusiasm. You inspire me.
Good show all around. Hope your weekend is pleasant. I'm tired of so many freezing nights in a row.
Those little critters will keep down the bug population that so many complain about among their indoor plants. Aren't they cute?
You don't need a nap you need a getaway!! Good gosh Tom...maybe you need to leave your job and start your own nursery, I'll be your first mail order customer...or may be you need to buy your neighbor's lot too..or maybe just plant in their yard....good grief! or or or
Thanks FlowerLady. If I can get everything in the ground, I'm hoping to take next year off.
Nell, this weekend should be really nice. The weather has been a drag. I can't wait for warmer weather. It's not supposed to be this cold here.
Darla, I have a getaway planned. More on that later. ;)
That is a wonderful photo with the yellow crocus. It has green foliage around it to make it really outstanding. We are snowing again today until midnight.
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