I've added a few Leyland Cypress around the perimeter of the yard to someday give me a little privacy during the winter.

I also added some short leaf pines that will give the birds a place to hide from the feral cats that roam the neighborhood.

Several magnolias have been growing here for years. I've added one to the 4 that I have already counted.

A Colorado Blue Spruce should finally start putting out some new growth this year. I plant 1 gallon containers since they're easier to establish in the heavy clay and stone soil.

Privet is everywhere. It's guaranteed to grow here and has naturalized itself all through the gully. It's an invasive species.

A Blue Point Juniper near the end of the driveway should perform well here. It receives about 4 hours of morning sun and a little late afternoon sun in summer.

Tea Olives are planted around the foundation of the house. I love the fragrance of the tiny white blooms. They bloom several times a year, especially after a warm spell or heavy rain in summer. They'll reach 10' easily.

I have other evergreens as well. Azaleas, pyracantha, American hollies, euonymus, butterfly bushes, a Hollywood Juniper, Carolina Cherry Laurels, nandinas, Leatherleaf Mahonia, Burford hollies, and many others. What evergreens do you grow?
It's 36 degrees and cloudy. We should see a little sun by late afternoon. More rain tomorrow.
It looks like I see some plants in the holding cell in the background of the first photo. I never knew that was privet.......I hate it (here)! Evergreens are great aren't they? We are having a beautiful weather day here...and I inside doing laundry..got my Father his cell phone and it's activated..whew! We have more rain and freezing temps headed our way and a little talk of white stuff on Friday..now wouldn't that just be something?
Hi Tom,
I love what you wrote to Flowerlady. Wonderful.
Also love seeing the thick carpet of leaves and mulch around your beloved plants.
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Some great evergreens. I remember the camellias and magnolias in Albemarle being spectacular!
My list includes:
osmanthus fragrans
osmanthus goshiki
Dwarf Burfordii Holly
Oakleaf Holly
Caressa Holly
Soft Touch Holly
Indian Hawthorne
In the perennial category:
Ice Plant
creeping jenny
shasta daisies
... etc....
I like how you can have a structure in your garden year round. It does take those small gallon greens two years to root out before they start growing out above ground.
I'm imagining how cooling all the green must make you feel in the summertime heat. I think I need more green added to my many perennials and annuals. I envy your zone. No way could overwinter any but maybe the juniper and the blue spruce in my zone 3. You are blessed.
We have so many Loblolly Pines and Wax Myrtles (not to mention the dreaded Chinese Privet) that I don't grow a great many evergreens in the garden. I have a few evergreen azaleas, several Winter Honeysuckles, Buddleia, and I'd like to grow more tea roses.
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