I got hardy ferns, lamb's ear, and two hanging baskets of gerber daisies (white, of course). I kept the tags with their actual name, but they're downstairs. I'm not.
The worst damage was to the ferns.

I got my clearance hosta and ferns planted in the north bed.

The gerber daisies were separated into 8 plants with 4 placed on the sunny side of the white bed, and 4 to the rear of the house.

I've got veggie sprouts in the potager. Beans


The asparagus I planted last week has grown a single sprout.

Tiny seedless grapes. Either Mars, Reliance, or Himrod. The tags got misplaced when I moved them this winter.


The Potager

Over in the perennial bed, the knockouts are living up to their name even with only a couple hours of sunlight a day.

Linaria in 6-7 hour sun.

Black Eyed Susans are pushing up stems.



Datura metel bloom about to open. I need to walk outside after dark.

Daylily seedlings. Collected from trades and along parking lot medians in Bethany Beach, Delaware.

True leaves on my dogwood seedlings.

And finally, a single solitary sprout in my Japanese Maple container. These were collected from Jackie's house in Virginia. I sowed them in mid-November. This one will be red.

5:50pm - Everything got some water. Planted out Sue's hosta too. Planted from the cloner: 4 Persian Shield, 11 petunia, and the third lantana. The kongmansia is just starting to push roots. I found more seeds for the white garden. The nicotiana germinated during my trip. I may save them for next year. I've already planted cotton seeds on the 25th.
What a steal! 50cents!!!!!!! Clearance racks are the first place I go to when I go to a garden center. Lucky guy! Linaria is very nice, I have nver seen it. Everything is looking great
DP, the linaria came from Park Seeds. It's "Flaming Passion". I really like it and hope to let it self-sow along the driveway. That's a whole packet of seed from a single two-liter container.
I am so checking the clearance racks from here on out. We have an orange big box store a little over an hour from us and I don't think I have ever seen the clearance rack. I will search it out next time!
Our HD does NOT have a clearance rack. They put everything back on racks for the suppliers to take. Torques my jaw to say the least. No breaks in price for the gardeners. DANG!
Your bloomers are all looking great and you're going to have wonderful gardens this year.
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