I got the cucumber trellis up yesterday and a teepee for the running peas. I also added a cheap water sprinkler for later once I've planted all my beans, corn, squash, and cukes.

The rear beds - all white.

The "hot" cherry tomato bed with red spider zinnias, sunflowers, and red bee balm. I need some orange for this bed.

A direct sown bed of marigolds, cosmos, and zinnias has lots of sprouts. I hope it attracts bees and pollinators for my garden.

Another iris has opened.

The weigeila is in full bloom.

Something is giving me fits with the peonies. Several have dead stalks.

The lavender crape myrtle is leafing out. Nothing yet on the root cuttings I made this winter.

The front beds are slowly getting planted. Hot, dry, and very poor soil makes these hard to plant. Lantana and grasses for now.

The Golden Jubilee Hyssop loved the pinching I did last week.


And finally, Sunday's picture.

Looks like your garden is filling in nicely! You've inspired me to try winter sowing this year.
Aside from tomatoes, nothing will be started from seed indoors next year. It's too time consuming and wintersowing is almost as good as how Mother Nature would do it.
Your spring is in full swing! I'm looking forward to future updates.
Everything is really filling in so nicely. I like the bed you edged with rocks. How great to have petunias blooming already!
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