I enlarged the rear white bed with half a load of leaf mulch. I'll plant castor beans here on Saturday to give me some summer privacy from the neighbor.

The rest went into the edge of the woods where the compost bin was. These things may look neat, but they don't do squat for composting.

Then I applied a thin layer of wood mulch from the landfill over several beds. It's free. I'll spend the next 2 weeks picking trash out of the mulch. I did the front bed, the driveway bed, and the white bed.

Lavender Hidcote Blue sprouts - wintersown. Careful not to cover small sprouts.

The backyard is now shady again thanks to all the leaves. The tomatoes and veggies get full sun for about 6 hours. From 1pm to 3pm, then from 5pm til sunset.

The potager got watered.

My melon garden. I'll plant watermelons and cantaloupes in these straw bales. Trying something new.

The first yellow knockout bloom of the season.

Off to take another shower, visit the elementary school for a photo-op, then come back home and put my okra in water to soak. Not sure what I will do this afternoon. The big jobs are now done in the yard. It's time to start thinking about the house.
2:41pm - Officially our warmest day of the year. 83 degrees in the shade.
1 comment:
Spring has gone from Alabama...it is SUMMER!!!!!!!! When I wake up and it is 79 degrees outside, and love bugs are already buzzing around...Spring is GONE!
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