I got home around 4pm. I split some wood and moved it inside. I hit the chainsaw blade against a rock and managed to grind it down. So I'll need to resharpen that before I finish the tree that I took down almost two weeks ago. I just can't seem to get ahead with the wood.
Around the yard, there's activity. Daffodils everywhere.

Self sown rudbeckia, rose campion, Sweet Williams, and others are popping up on the hill near the mailbox. I think I'll leave them.

The fig cuttings finally got planted and got watered in by the heavy rain last night. That's why it was 63 degrees this morning at 4am.

Tonight, 30. Friday, maybe sleet. Saturday, 54. Mother Nature is bipolar.
what is "controlling shrink"?
Remember, when sawing rocks; they'll come back to git cha when you mow the yard!
Shrink is anything that gets thrown away without selling. Dead plants are thrown out. We don't have many dead plants. I'll sell them cheap before they get to that point. I'm on my game in the garden center. I'm learning tons.
I wish I lived near your store Tom. The other big box store which is close to us, sends everything back for credit. They sell nothing at a discount price. Your big box store is out west of town from us, maybe 30 minutes away.
Oh yes, be careful with hitting rocks with sharp objects that are turning at high speeds. I cringe just remembering your injury not that long ago.
Letting the volunteers do their thing might make one heck of a lovely hill of flowers.
Happy Garden planning and happy gardening.
You need to work at our store, or maybe not, then I wouldn't get to rescue so many plants..Bipolar is being kind...she f**k!@# messed up.
I will be anxious to see those yellow blooms. They sell them in the stores here early spring so we can see what the real spring will look like.
I swear, you get more done in one day than I do all week :-)
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