At $2.50 a pop, I couldn't pass up some new azaleas that arrived this week. They're on sale.
Pink Ruffles

Pink Pearl

Trouper Red

Red Ruffles

In the yard, I have a few shrubs starting to bloom. This one is either Delaware or Glacier White. I have them both. It's not that important to me. They're white.

A mangled pink one that was here when I bought the house. The long hot dry summer baked this poor azalea. I've mulched heavily with shredded pine already this year.

Lavender Formosa is about to pop. This one should be a huge shrub.

Before the rains of the past week (near 2"), I fertilized all the azaleas, camellias, and tea olives. I bought peat moss to use for planting these new azaleas. I made mistakes with the first azaleas I planted here. I'm trying to correct those now and actually practice what I preach.
The skies are clearing. I'm about to head outside and give home to my new purchases. I'll save one for the hole where the realtor's sign is. It's a breezy, brisk 52 degrees.
Azalea Propagation Techniques. *hint hint*
I always heard that you fertilize azalea and camellia after they bloom.
It sounds more and more that you are getting into shrubbery.
Gorgeous is what they all are. I think I like Pink Ruffles, Pink Pearl and Lavender Formosa the best, although that Trouper Red is pretty nice too.
Enjoy spring in your gardens.
Maybe Jim, but I had the stuff and rain was coming. I'd sacrifice blooms this year for some actual growth. Poor things planted a couple years ago are still pathetic in size.
Thanks FlowerLady. It's been a great day.
The shrubs are more about filling in holes in the yard to provide more privacy. I'm looking next for mid spring bloomers. I've already propagated a few wigela and have some lilac cuttings rooting. I've got more althea than I can count, so I've got summer blooms covered pretty well. The crapes will help too. Just trying to make it well rounded. The perennials were the easiest to place and were focused on first.
I love the Azaleas, they are so beautiful. Every year I worry I am not going to have mine survive since I really don't have proper soil here anyway, but it's a bit early for mine here yet.
Goldenray Yorkies
Yeah I bought a couple white gumpo 1 gallon units myself. I got home and found out they are zone 7. Im in 6. oh well for 3.00 its worth a shot. Preceded to prep the bed and the previous owner used trash bags as a weed barrier along with two layers of rock and one layer of bark chips. and here i am digging and removing this with one arm. ha. So are you going to amend your beds with peat?
Greggo, I just amend the individual holes with peat. Azaleas like acidic soil and the peat will help with the clay we have here.
Loved that pink ruffles and trouper red varieites. Will go down to HD today or this week. Do you think it is safe to plant them out in the flowerbeds now?
Tom, does peat comes in bags at garden centers? What about shredded leaves or leafgro?
Betty, Peat is Peat Moss. It comes in bags and bales at garden centers. It's great for plants that like acidic soil. Shredded leaves come from my own yard.
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