I spent the morning finishing off the pile of wood in the driveway. I'm heading to my parents' tomorrow to cut some more. The cycle continues.

Frozen roses still hold color around the back of the house.

The perennial bed has gone to sleep, finally.

Or maybe not. Nature perseveres.

Things look so different than just a few weeks ago.

What once was a Halloween costume is now part of my daily attire. And yes, I do go to Wal-Mart dressed this way.

It's been a great morning.
I only wish I could have spent the day outside. My yard and gardens are looking rather empty too. Thank goodness for the Spring bulbs beginning to poke up through the soil. I'm not showing how I go to wal-mart, tee hee.
I think of you when I read about temps in your area. Maybe next winter you won't be having to split wood for your heat.
Your gardens still look nice even when sleeping.
Your attire is nicely layered and looks warm enough for your temps today and for what you are doing.
We have a bit of a warm up coming, before some more cold next week.
Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady
I lived in overalls for years. When I was younger I wore them to work at the newspaper. I was a proofreader ... no one saw me. Even well into my 40s they were part of my comfort attire.
Tom your Walmart attire is way better looking than mine. I need me some bib overalls.
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