Most vistas uncovered a landscape mottled with green and brown.

Large swaths of the mountains are already denuded.

But there were occasional moments of greatness. Even with the bugs splattered against the windshield.

Speaking of greatness. Robert created his own costume. I was impressed. He did a fantastic job. He's the one that wired the kitchen and helped build the countertop forms.

But the highlight of the evening for me was getting to spend some time with my longtime friend, Tom. I would write his last name, but I would misspell it, still. There is no "z" in Whisenant. I had to use Facebook to make sure I had it right. I was way off. Regardless, it was a great night.

Laura stayed in, so she and I went for Mexican on Sunday. It was a good meal. I'd never had a torta before. It's like barbecue, but not quite, on a sandwhich. The conversation was needed. Thanks Lo.
It's 52 degrees. On Saturday morning, there was a frost on the parked vehicles. I am so not ready for this. Is it spring yet?
getting away puts everything in perspective. You are lucky to have great friends in beautiful places to take a breather. I just spent a much needed Halloween in Wilton Manors. BTW, I gained 15 lbs eating tortas. I was addicted to them like heroin.lol
I was wondering where you've been. It sounds like you had a great time. A nice relaxing, fun time with friends in the mountains, just what you needed.
The colors are still beautiful in your area and I thank you for sharing them here.
It is still warm and humid down here, a.c. is still on. I believe it is supposed to go down into the 50's at night by the weekend. We're hoping so. We're so tired of hot, humid weather.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
P.S. I repotted my gardenias into larger pots Sunday morning. :-)
Tom, sounds like you had a perfect weekend with good friends.
That is the best costume I have every seen!
Your countryside looks very much like our Missouri one.
Glad you had a fun trip. It's going to dip into the thirties here this weekend...brrrr for me.
The roadtrip pictures are beautiful even though much of the foliage has fallen. Thanks for posting them. Cheers~
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