Sunday, November 7, 2010

That's a wrap!

There is frost on the shingles.

My thermometer claims 30 degrees.

I should have gone back to bed, but this being my only day off, I've got things to do. Unfortunately, the most important thing to do is sharpen the maul and split firewood. By hand. 133 days til spring.


gld said...

We got down to 25° day before yesterday. The gardening season is over!

You will work up some heat splitting and stacking the firewood.

Jimmy said...

27f here this morning. I'm ready to rest and eat comfort food. Chicken and dumplings sounds good (even at 8:30am)

Tom - 7th Street Cottage said...

Dang Jim. I'm hungry. Bojangles has smoked sausage biscuits for 99cents. I think I need to fatten up a bit for the coming months.

Betty819 said...

Tom, it's easier to put the weight back on then take it off..speaking from lots of repeat experience. "Nothing is as good as thin feels!"
You're doing so well and we're so proud of your accomplishments. Keep it up!

Sue said...

I had to look twice at the temp. there, we use *C, so claiming 30*C would be real hot, however 30*F, explains the need for firewood. Good luck with the load of work.